Person signing a document with a pen on a desk.

Live Scan Forms

Commonly Used Forms for Applicant Agencies:
Please note that as a courtesy to our customers, we have blank Request for Live scan Service forms available for your convenience. However, it is your responsibility to obtain the correct form and the necessary ORI Code, Agency Set Address and Mail Code that pertains to your referring agency.

A person stamps a document next to a hand holding a pen, on a table with a blue surface.

Contractors State License Board

Contractors State License Board Information – You must bring the “Request for Livescan Form” that you received from State License Board

Applicant Agencies

BEFORE any of your potential applicants can be fingerprinted for a background check, you must apply with the DOJ to become an authorized applicant agency, unless already designated by law. Please note: The DOJ will only approve an organization if authorized in statute. The authorizing statute will specify the level of service you are authorized to receive (i.e., California criminal history information ONLY or California and Federal criminal history information).