Convenient Live Scan Locations
Our certified professional staff provide fast and accurate Live scan and FBI Ink fingerprinting card services. Live scan is also known as Criminal Background Check or Live scan Background Check.
Live scan Applicants must get instructions and the Live scan forms required for Live scan services from the agency requiring their criminal background check. Since different Live scan forms are used. All Live scan applicant fingerprint submissions must be transmitted electronically. In California, Live scan fingerprinting must be done by a certified fingerprint roller.
NOTE: Not all Live Scan Locations are displayed on this Map.
For a complete list of Live Scan Locations, please see the list below. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Live Scan providers in advance to verify their current operating hours, fees, etc.
How to Check Your Live Scan Results?
To check for your fingerprint results, simply call the Department of Justice at (916) 227-4557. Do not call live scan locations. Make sure to have your birthdate and ATI number available. The ATI number is on the bottom of the request for live scan form. The system will prompt you to type in the ATI number, for the letters type in the corresponding numbers. For the birthdate, type a two-digit month, a two digit day, and a four digit year (MM/DD/YYYY).

How Much Live Scan Cost
Lots of Major companies have account set up with us. We bill them directly for Live scan services. So if your company is in our billing account database, you don’t have to pay anything.
Some company have billing number assign by Department of Justice. In that case, you will pay only our Live scan service fees
If none of the above apply then you will be responsible to pay our Live scan service fee and Government agency fee