Live Scan Request Your Own
Access to criminal history summary records maintained by the DOJ is restricted by law to legitimate law enforcement purposes and authorized applicant agencies. However, individuals have the right to request a copy of their own criminal history record from the Department to review for accuracy and completeness. Requests from third parties are not authorized and will not be processed.
To receive a copy of YOUR criminal history record, individuals must submit fingerprint images, pay a $25 processing fee to the DOJ, and follow the instructions below.
California Residents
All California Applicants must submit Live Scan fingerprints.
Instructions, PDF | En Español, PDF.
- Use the Live Scan Form (Form BCIA 8016RR, PDF)
- Check “Record Review” as the “Type of Application”.
- Enter “Record Review” on the “Reason for Application” line.
- Fill out all your personal information.
- Take the completed form to any Live Scan site for fingerprinting services.
Fingerprinting services are available at most local police departments, sheriff’s offices or any public applicant Live Scan site. To find the sites nearest to you, their fingerprint rolling fees, and acceptable methods of payment, see Public Live Scan Sites.

Out of State Residents
Applicants Living Outside California/United States must submit manual fingerprint cards (Form FD258).
Print out the Application to Obtain a Copy of State Summary Criminal History Record (Form BCIA 8705, PDF) and follow the instructions on the form. Please contact your local law enforcement agency for fingerprinting services. PLEASE NOTE: Your fingerprint card must contain your full name, date of birth, sex and return mailing address. If you are having difficulty in obtaining a blank fingerprint card, please contact the Record Review Unit at (916) 227-3849.
Manual submissions must be accompanied by either personal check drawn on a U.S. bank, money order or certified check. The check or money order must be made payable to the “California Department of Justice.” Mail your application, fingerprint card and processing fee to:
California Department of Justice
Record Review Unit
P.O. Box 903417
Sacramento, CA 94203-4170
Once you have received your Record Review response, if you want to challenge the contents of your criminal record, you must complete the “Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy or Incompleteness” (form BCIA 8706), which will be included with your Record Review response if there is criminal information on your record. Mail the completed form, along with a copy of your criminal history record, to the address indicated on the form. Your challenge must specifically state the basis for the claim of inaccuracy or incompleteness and include any available proof or corroboration to substantiate your claim.